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We study genomic regulatory logic, chromatin dynamics and cellular information flow in both normal physiology and pathological perturbations, through the joint integration of data-sets from a variety of complementary biological layers generated by high-throughput technologies:
Dynamics of Homeostatic Dysregulation Driving Disease Progression
​Computational methods for identifying TF direct targets (by integrating TF binding with gene expression: ChIP-seq & RNA-seq or microarrays) and studying their influence on disease phenotypes
Ex: Our study of the TP53 target gene networks in apoptosis and senescence, identified by integrating TF binding and gene expression changes:​
Methods for Identifying upstream regulators of gene signatures (RNA-seq, microarrays)
Early Carcinogenesis of Renal cancer using single-cell omics (scRNA-seq, ATAC-seq) - Collaboration with the Vanharanta lab (MRC-CU)
Cancer Translatomics
Understanding translational potential through Ribosome profiling (Ribo-seq, TIS-seq, iCLIP) - Collaboration with Narita (CRUK Cambridge Institute) and Hodson labs (Stem Cell Institute)
Regulatory Dynamics of the Non-Coding (epi)Genome in Disease
Understanding combinatorial Histone and chromatin modifications (Histone ChIP-seq, ChIP-exo, Cut&Tag, Cut&Run)
DNA Methylation based cancer detection (methylation arrays) - Collaboration with Massie lab
Regulatory potential of Enhancer-Promoter-Insulator interactions, Enhancer rewiring, chromatin accessibility, nucleosome dynamics and TF footprinting (ChIP-seq & ATAC-seq, scATAC-seq) - Collaborations with Freazza Lab (University of Cologne), Vanharanta lab (MRC-CU), Basu lab (Stem Cell Institute)
Enhancer Promoter Interaction prediction using Machine and Deep learning
Chromatin Dynamics
Transcriptional regulation via long-distance chromatin interactions and enhancer-promoter looping (Hi-C, micro-C, CHi-C and scHi-C)
Functional consequences of dynamic changes in chromatin 2D/3D structure: Hubs, Loops, TADs and A/B compartments (Hi-C)
Functional genomics of DNA structural features such as iMotifs, G-quadruplexes, D-loops and R-loops
Effects of DNA-RNA hybrid structures such as R-loops through modulation of transcriptional regulation, and their contribution to genome instability and replicative stress (DRIP-seq)

We utilize the latest advances in data science and artificial intelligence and apply these to biomedical research.

Artificial Intelligence methods for integrative 'Omics':
Machine Learning & Deep Learning for regulatory (epi)genomics​​
Deep Learning for Biomedical Image analysis
linked Data, Knowledge Graphs and graph embedding based models for data integration, modelling and biomedical data mining
ML and DL models for early detection and diagnosis of cancer
Biomedical Natural Language Processing
NLP for extracting gene regulatory relationships from literature (PubMEd)
Biomedical Data Integration
Methods for statistical & computational biomedical data integration​
Deep Neural Graphs for regulatory epi-genomics and pathway bioinformatics
Web technologies & Integrative data resources
INTERFEROME: IFN regulated target gene resource
ReMOAT: Microarray re-annotation resource
ISGverse: Updated and curated Interferon Stimulated Gene Resource
InterferonScape: IFN target gene identification (STAT and IRF targets) and analysis of IFN networks in disease.
Information Visualisation for Biomedicine
Use of JavaScript, Processing, and Shiny to develop bespoke interactive data visualization
Biomedical Complex systems
We develop Systems Biology approaches to decipher the complexities of Immunity and Cancer.

Systems Immunology
Complex Systems analysis methods to understand immune and inflammatory responses in cancer and other diseases
Immune evasion mechanisms and modulation of adaptive immune responses
Pattern/Danger Recognition systems, Interferon and Interleukin pathways and networks
Metabolic remodelling, immuno-metabolic perturbations, secretomes, and micro-environment Interactions
Network Biology
Modelling cellular interactions and information flow
Reverse engineering gene regulatory networks
Building integrative and predictive regulatory models, knowledge graphs and network maps of disease processes - Senesceome-KG​, InterferonScape
Developing resources for better pathway bioinformatics and linked data integration using graph-based strategies - Collaboration with Pietro Lio
Cancer Genomics & Computational Modelling
Data-driven quantitative (Mathematical/Statistical) modelling and inference
Impact of mutations (CNVs) and genetic aberrations (CNAs) on cancer pathways and networks (Whole Genome or Exome Sequencing)
Drug responses in cancer
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